Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter weekend

Well easter is over and an new week begins with fun things .A now its only one week untill i go back HOME and im so exited about that trip ,cant wait to see my parents my sister and her family ,my friends and take my road trip with my friend that is gona be so much fun ,i just hope i get good weather and the volcano´s dont make trouble for me but it woud be fun to get some volcano action to photoraph :)
i was taking a workshop all easter online they are so much fun and even if i cant watch all off it i always learn so much for them ,so i was playing with the flowers i bought for my self .
i love these flowers and i may end up using one of these flower pic´s for Unit 2 im working on ,ive done all the reading and i just need to get my head around the images i need to send in
hope you had a good weekend

1 comment:

  1. I love ranunculus too! I even got some bulbs(?) roots(?) hoping to plant them... and totally forgot about them! Oh well, next year...
    Have a great time going home, dear :) I know what it's like to be homesick for our own country and needing to go back :)


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